Financial Wisdom - Blog

  • “Hey Kid, You Like Mustard?”

    “Hey Kid, You Like Mustard?”

    I grew up in a small town, a hamlet to be exact, named Hawthorne.  Our street was a quiet, dead-end where you recognized every car that drove by.  When you stood in our front yard, you looked across the street …Read More »
  • Does Anyone Ever Learn In The Car?

    Does Anyone Ever Learn In The Car?

    As we have been on the road a couple times this summer, the minivan has been relatively quiet.  Road trips are our opportunity to phone it in on parenting duty and let the kids veg out and watch their tablets.  …Read More »
  • “And No Nudity”

    “And No Nudity”

    The other night  as my wife and I were sitting at the dinner table with our three hyenas, we had had enough.  It’s the middle of the summer, we’re eating later than normal, and the kids are just acting like …Read More »
  • Me vs. Coffee Lids

    Me vs. Coffee Lids

    I hate sipping through coffee lids. Anyone else with me?  I’ll give lids credit, they’ve come a long way.  It’s a rarity that I run into that little pull tab that refuses to tear back properly as I balance the …Read More »
  • It’s Always Unprecedented

    It’s Always Unprecedented

    My major in college was economics.   There were a number of reasons I found economics interesting, but it also didn’t hurt that it required FAR less credits to graduate than say a Business Administration degree. It also didn’t hurt …Read More »
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Brian Imrich