Momentum is everywhere and it fascinates me! I believe momentum represents so much of what it is to be human. This concept that when things are going well, we often think they will continue to go well. When things are going bad, this feeling that they will continue to go bad. Things in motion, will stay in motion… These momentum …
Cash Flow Set Up – The Basics – Part 5
In today’s episode we talk about setting up your household cash flow system. This is an introductory overview illustrating the importance of establishing a logical flow of income starting at the paycheck level. Each financial house is different, but each needs to have a systematic approach to how and where you save vs how and where you spend.
Drum Roll…The S.E.C.U.R.E. Act Part II
Let’s pick up from Part I and not let this S.E.C.U.R.E Act party end too soon! Use of 529 plans for apprenticeship and up to $10,000 of student loan debt repayment. Previously, 529 plan funds could not be used to pay off any student loan debt. Moving forward, each student (“beneficiary”) is allowed a one time $10,000 distribution (tax and …
Retirement Planning – The Basics – Part 4
Today we are outlining how to come up with a basic retirement plan. Starting with “what it costs to be you” at retirement and working backwards to figure out how much you need to be saving today to be on track. For more wisdom, like us on Facebook @insidepubgps.
Getting Acquainted with The S.E.C.U.R.E Act – Part I
On Dec. 20, President Trump signed into law the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act of 2019 (SECURE). This Act was added as Division O to the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020 (H.R. 1865). With any luck, my retirement job is going to be advising Congress on clever acronyms for hopeful legislation. The act has 30 different provisions, but let’s …
Angle Over Force
So I’m out shoveling the driveway a few days before Christmas. This wasn’t the fun, freshly fallen snow that you plow aside with an easy rhythm. This was the “I didn’t wake up to snow blow” snow that you drove over and is now cemented in place showing your exact tire tracks. As I hammered away wondering if my shovel …
Happy New Year!
So many things to be thankful for, including and especially everyone reading this Happy Hour post each week. 🙂 Happy Friday and Happy New Year from the Imrich Family!
Life Insurance – The Basics – Part 3
Today we breakdown some of the very basic differences between “term” life insurance and “perm” (permanent) life insurance. One of the key things mentioned towards the end is that one is not necessarily better than the other. As I mentioned in Today’s Happy Topic – Death, all types of life insurance are tools and it’s knowing when to use which …
Mr. Willowby’s Christmas Tree – Annual Repost :)
On our last trip down to visit my parents I found an old children’s book I remembered from many years ago. The title, Mr Willowby’s Christmas Tree (aside – after re reading I think it’s one of my favorites all time, right up there with Fantastic Mr. Fox by Roald Dahl) The general story is well to do Mr. Willowby …
Investments – The Basics – Part 2
Investment selection, management and portfolio construction could be a 19 part series and still not cover it all. Today we go over the difference between a stock, mutual fund and exchange traded fund on a very basic level. I use a hokey illustration to help us remember the differences. Most importantly I introduce Wizzy the Wisdom Keg as the official …