It’s that most wonderful time of the year again and tax season is in full swing! By now, you should have received almost all of your necessary documents. As you put together the finishing touches and tie up the loose ends, here are a few things to remember: Even if you do not itemize your taxes, you can still deduct …
How Much Would You Pay for a Fortune Cookie?
Let’s face it, you don’t order Chinese food in hopes that you’ll be “just full enough.” When ordering for two, you order enough for six. When we pick up our order, my wife and I like to count how many fortune cookies they’ve put in. We’ve never asked, but our theory is that they judge the size of the order, …
I Dare You to Watch This and Not Tear Up
We’re going to leave a can of wisdom soup on the shelf this week, and instead share what is one of my favorite little clips. Thanks Mom for sending along…
We’re All Under Attack – Defend Your Digital Castle!
One of the many results and byproducts of being sheltered in place and immobilized for almost a year now is this ever increasing reliance on the internet and all things “on line.” Our ability to function on a daily basis has been funneled and herded onto grocery apps, online learning and the list goes on. I’ll set aside my feelings …
My Office Lease Is Up…Now What?
I’ve been in my current office space for 5 years. It seems hard to believe that 5 years has gone by and I am now facing the decision of whether or not to renew and stay in my current space, renew and move to a different office just a couple suites down or just find a new office altogether. Let’s …
I Thought Everyone Drinks Coffee
For those that have not heard the story of how I became a financial planner, I fell into it ass-backwards for lack of a better term. I don’t recall when I was 6 or 7 years old saying, “When I grow up I want to be a firefighter or garbage man or a financial planner!” Nonetheless, at 22 and right …
Who Doesn’t Love an Acrostic Poem?
My 7 year old is learning poetry and I just couldn’t resist throwing my hat in the ring. I am positive she will be less than impressed with my efforts, but that has never stopped me in the past! M.O.N.E.Y… M ostly useful, but comes with good and bad problems all the same. O nes buy you coffee, and most …
Trusting the Institution
In this critical time in our nation’s history, I find myself questioning the system, the institutions, and the foundation which our policies originated. Most recently, this distrust was brought to the extreme. An unnecessary, ugly and dishonorable extreme. Today’s post is not about the extreme, it’s about the spectrum and space between healthy skepticism and rebellion. It’s our job as …
The Bottom of the Hill
Our house is located at the top of a pretty big hill. On our side of the street a sidewalk runs past our house winding down the hill to where it intersects with a local walking trail. Such close proximity to the trail was one of the big selling points of the house and has proved an invaluable asset, especially …
Mr. Willowby’s Christmas Tree – Annual Repost :)
On our last trip down to visit my parents I found an old children’s book I remembered from many years ago. The title, Mr Willowby’s Christmas Tree (aside – after re reading I think it’s one of my favorites all time, right up there with Fantastic Mr. Fox by Roald Dahl) The general story is well to do Mr. Willowby …