Smiggy Figgy

Like most parents with young children, our bedtime routine is about four and a half hours long. When our oldest was three, she started putting her request in, after we read five or six books mind you, to hear a story too.  I was stumped.  So I came up with a new character named Smiggy Figgy, who lived in a big ole house, on a big ole piece of land, in the middle of a big ole town…

Over the next few weeks the cast of characters grew to include whacky Aunt Tuna, Squeakers the Mouse, and the list goes on.  Night after night we paraded around Smiggy’s world getting into mischief, eating Muddy Boot Soup, and endless searches for Walter the Mole who’s eyesight always led him to nap in the silliest of places.

Soon, one Smiggy led to “just one more Smiggy,” to the point where my creative gas tank was empty.  My daughter could tell too.  The night Smiggy Figgy’s big adventure was that he couldn’t find his sock is when I think we both decided it was time to change it up!

I know that I’ve learned this lesson before, but sometimes what makes something so good is that it will, and should end.  If you are present and enjoy the experience when it is at its peak, it’s much easier to know when moving on is the right decision.  I think this is true for many of the goals/experiences myself and clients strive for.  The next job, the first house, the big vacation, the inground pool you waffled on for too long…  

So enjoy this weekend before it’s over and if you are missing a sock, spoiler alert, Smiggy found his behind the toilet, don’t forget to check there 🙂

Happy Friday!