I love that end of June time of year. The driveways are painted with “Class of 2021” as neighborhoods celebrate the graduations and accomplishments of their seniors. Prior to college, for many, the trajectory and script is pretty well laid out. The roller coaster that is life is at the bottom of the first hill as it clicks along moving …
Money As a Tool, Not a Habit
I like a solid daily routine. I like a solid daily routine that involves coffee even more. For years I’ve been a coffee drinker and developed that habit. Once something becomes a habit, it becomes easier to do. Your brain doesn’t have to dedicate as much energy to the decision and so auto-pilot becomes the default as you glide from …
Good Customer Service Is Not Convenient
As part of my Christmas present from my very generous Mother-In- Law I received a bundle of coupons for babysitting all 3 kids AND dog! Like many, it has been an eternity since myself and the Mrs. have spent a night away from home. Now, fully vaccinated and comfort growing, we decided to cash in one of those coupons, but …
Can Four Quarters Break a Habit?
As a financial planner and a parent, I often think about how I am going to teach, or help my children learn about money. From all accounts, they have it pretty good and there are only so many times I can be turned down when offering a penny for every weed they pick. Recently, my wife and I have been …
We Need a New Word for Retirement
The word retire, according to Merriam-Webster, means to withdraw from action or danger. The idea of retirement was first introduced in 1881 by Otton von Bismark in what was then Prussia. The idea, well intentioned, was to support older members of society since back then if you were alive…you worked. This support would kick in at age 70, which coincidentally …
My 2021 Financial Draft Picks
I don’t want to disappoint anyone, so if you’re hoping for any actual football draft picks, not today! Today is the Legends of Finance draft and there will be only three selections. “The third draft pick of this year’s 2021 draft, the Massachusetts Moneymen, select President Woodrow Wilson. In December of 1923, President Wilson signed into law the Federal Reserve …
Inflate Gate Update
The price of a sheet of plywood has risen from a pre-pandemic price of roughly $8 per sheet to the $40-$45 range. This more than 400% jump in price is not limited to just plywood, but an increasing number of materials, products and consumer goods. The combination of increased demand, reduced supply and trillions of new dollars being pumped into …
What the *&%#!! is a Blockchain?
What the *&%#!! is a Blockchain? The answer, nobody knows. Just kidding. Many people know and are fluent in the language of blockchain technology. I am not currently one of those people, as my computer programming knowledge stems from a couple of classes in college and teaching myself how to copy and paste in Microsoft Word. For those readers who …
Wishing So Hard
In a complete change up, we took the children to walk around the mall a couple weeks ago. I had a pocket full loose change and we were all ready to do some serious wishing even if the fountains had no water in them. Today’s cover photo is our youngest, who after throwing her last penny in wished oh so …
Me & My 8-Foot-Tall Palm Tree…Buy It, You’re Worth It
About a month ago me, my wife and all three kiddies walked into BJs Wholesale Club for what has become our “big trip out.” Immediately upon entering I saw it. Standing 8 feet tall, but looking like 20 as it stood proudly on a top shelf in a center aisle. I peeled the kids from the enormous television section and …